Anchor (Part 2)

August 20, 2024

There are many anchors in our lives. For some, it could be relationships with others, the people in your life who ground you. For others, it could be their physical home, the place where they feel secure and surrounded by things that bring them joy and peace. You may find it in religious beliefs. It doesn’t have to be only one thing. We are blessed with many in our lives. We just have to look around for solid holding ground to dig in and take advantage of them.

Let me tell you a little bit about my anchors. My family is my strongest one. They are the big hook I put out in stormy weather. I am certainly talking about the love of my life and my children. When I was sick, and it was looking like I might float away, they dug in strong and kept me secure. This time of our lives was riddled with storms, but they laid down some heavy chain and kept a watchful eye on me. One thing that was immensely helpful was deploying the stern anchor. This was my siblings and friends. These incredible people took over watching my family while they were focused on me. Meals, referrals to specialists, guidance, support, and an always open ear to listen to fears or to crack a joke to let a little sunshine break through the clouds.

Who are the anchors in your life and who is standing beside you to make sure you don’t drag? You would never go into a port without your boat anchor ready to go. Don’t go through life without ensuring you have your personal anchors in place for when a squall comes your way.



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