Your Guide Through the Winds of Change 

Embark on a Journey of Personal Growth

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woman standing in the edge of the boat

Welcome Aboard Squall Girl

A blog exploring the thrills and challenges of life. I’m Lynda, ready to guide you through both the storms and sunny skies with a touch of warmth and humor.

Embracing the Storm

Boat on a storm

Many storms have tested me time and time again, as they do for everyone. I’ve experienced job loss, relationship endings (both romantic and friendship), and the painful loss of my parents. But these moments are simply part of the natural cycle of life. Like rain nourishing the soil, these storms allow us to grow and flourish. 

The winds of change scatter seeds of new beginnings. Amidst the chaos and darkness, a squall emerges abruptly, leaving us to wonder, “What just happened?” Yet, from these unexpected storms, we find the strength to rebuild and create something even more remarkable. 

How to Navigate Life’s Storms

Life can be unpredictable, throwing us unexpected storms. How can you rebuild yourself to stand strong against the next storm? Do you constantly monitor the weather service, anxiously awaiting the next tempest? Do you reinforce your foundations with unyielding solidity, avoiding planting flowers that might be uprooted? Or do you embrace the beauty of the present, relishing in the sunshine instead of dwelling on impending storms? 

These are the discussions I want to explore. If you have experienced a life-altering event, let’s delve into the life jackets you relied on for safety. Did you don them daily, cautious of every possibility, or did you just have one on hand? Did you use a flashlight in the dark with more power and a generator to keep everything constantly lit? Let’s navigate these moments together and discover the path to weathering any storm.

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