New Voyage

November 21, 2024

I have to pull up my anchor. There is a new place I want to explore, and as much as I love the location I’m floating at now, I believe there is more for me to see and experience. Before you think I’m giving up this blog and sharing experiences with you—this is something beyond it. It’s a new voyage I’ve been charting for some time now, and I’m waiting for that perfect weather window to set forth.

Here is the story…

A year or so ago, I had the opportunity to participate in sessions with a life coach. These sessions were interwoven with reading a book, so I thought, why not? I enjoy new experiences, and it sounded like something I’d like to explore. What I didn’t anticipate was just how much the process would impact me. It had been a while since I’d sat down and focused solely on myself and where I wanted to go in this new chapter of my life.

Having come through a serious illness, coupled with the kids moving into adulthood, I began to ask myself: What’s next for me? Anticipating what’s beyond the horizon is one thing; setting a course to reach that destination is another. By the end of the exercise, I had a clear idea of where I wanted to go—I wanted to become a life coach and help others reach their goals.

To travel to this point, I had to map it out meticulously. It took education, training, observation, and finding a way to fund all the provisions I needed for the adventure. Like boating, it’s all about preparation before leaving the dock. But guess what? That feeling you get when you drop anchor again makes it all worthwhile. That peace of knowing you’ve arrived where you wanted to be, and being able to take a deep breath and admire the beauty around you—it’s worth all the work you put into it.

Today, I have my own business—something I never envisioned for myself. I have new goals and dreams, which fuel my engine and fill my sails with wind. They’re what will keep me propelling toward my next port of call. I’ve encountered navigation hazards and veered off course a few times to get where I am, but each obstacle thrown your way makes you a more seasoned captain of your own ship.

So go ahead, pull up that anchor. Try something new. Travel, learn a new language, dust off that treadmill, cook the dish you’ve been craving, climb trees, or zip through the woods (I just did that recently!). What’s the worst that can happen? You may fall once or twice. You may take a few steps back. But one thing you won’t do is regret the adventure.



  • Amy Leger

    So very proud of you Lynda aka Squall Girl! Anything you put your mind to you will accomplish! Go Girl!

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